2009年2月11日 星期三

Jurlique Refining Treatment

Jurlique 活肌煥膚磨砂療程 40ml

蘊含高效的天然活機成份,能有效去角質,加速肌膚的細胞更生,令肌膚回復清爽明亮的狀態。天然的去角質因子助去除肌膚雜質及死皮而不刺激肌膚 改善肌膚暗啞及毛孔粗大的問題。

Jurlique Biodynamic Beauty Refining Treatment 40ml

A natural exfoliant to help eliminate skin impurities and minimize pore appearance. It gently removes dull, dead skin cells without irritation and softens the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. Even skin texture, and discoloration, to reveal a smoother, even-toned, more luminous complexion. This refiner is rich in the living energy of Calendula, Horsechestnut, and Soapbark Tree extract. Apricot Seed and Willow Bark extracts help renew skin, while gently uncovering a fresh and glowing complexion.

