2009年2月12日 星期四

Diesel Fuel for Life

Diesel Fuel for Life EDP 50ml

For Her

調: 柑橘,粉胡椒


後調: 广藿香 ,麝香

Diesel絲襪誘惑女裝版的Fuel for Life香水,以絲襪包裹透出金黃的香水瓶,引人遐想。今個聖誕推出限量版,以深啡瓶身襯托啡金絲襪,添加一份神秘的性感。香氣以檸檬、番石榴及柑橘揭開序幕,之後傳來甘草、百合及茉莉等花香,最後以麝香作結,氣味醉人。

About Fule for Life Perfume

An intense, fruity-green cassis opening evolving towards a floral heat of jasmine, intensified by indole, a floral-animal note that is found naturally in jasmine. The woody, patchouli drydown reveals a slightly ambry chypre structure.

