Softly sighs of the rainbow Misty songs of old Flowing by the skyline My secret lullaby Softly sighs of the rainbow Stories seldom told Flowing by the skyline My love songs never rhyme I stand alone and alone Lingering by my secret rainbow Ah My secret rainbow
爸爸問: 今天上了什麼學科? 細子回答: 中文和英文 爸爸: 那中文堂教了什麼? 細子: 唧唧復唧唧,木蘭當戶織。不聞機杼聲,惟聞女歎息。問女何所思,問女何所憶....... 爸爸: 那英文堂教了什麼? 細子: A Man....This is a Pan....I am a Man..... 爸爸: 唔...好的 (緊抱著兒子)