2010年10月16日 星期六

Electra Look

10 steps to radiant cold-weather skin, according to top dermatologists


As we say sayonara to the season of sweat, it’s time to put aside oil-fighting cleansers, toners, moisturizers and treatments (like masks and peels) in favor of hydration-boosting products. “The biggest battle in winter versus summer is skin getting dried out and losing its luster, so you want to think about switching products,” advises New York dermatologist David Bank, MD. “Just like you don’t wear the same clothing in August and February, you don’t want to use same products.” For example, instead of a gel cleanser or toner, boost skin’s moisture with a hydrating gel moisturizer.

Choice Product: SkinCeuticals Hydrating B5 Gel. “It contains hyaluronic acid and healing vitamin B5. It’s wonderful,” says Bank. Use it in place of moisturizer or as a primer for face cream.


It’s no secret: “We look great in the summer because we’re taking in more fluids, and getting more exercise outside. It’s that radiant glow,” says New York City dermatologist Patricia Wexler, MD. “During the fall and winter continue taking in lots of water and exercising. It doesn’t have to be outside as long as you do enough to bring a flush to the skin by getting your blood circulating and your pulse rate up.”

Choice Product: Perfékt Beauty Skin Perfection Gel. “To maintain that hint of color post-workout, try a waterproof tinted moisturizer like this one,” says Wexler. “It’s amazing because it doesn’t stain brown spots darker and exaggerate darkness like self-tanners do and there’s no worry of over-staining palms. It creates beautiful, tan skin without the damage of the sun or a tanning bed. You have to use soap and water to take it off.”


Tempting as it may be, don’t turn up the heat in the tub or shower. “Hot water is dehydrating,” Bank says, adding that warm water is skin safe, especially with an additive like colloidal oatmeal to help resuscitate weather-worn skin. Get more moisture-boosting benefits by coating skin with an essential oil immediately after soaking and towel-blotting.

Choice Products: Aveeno Soothing Bath Treatment. “It’s hydrating, soothing and not drying at all,” says Bank. Immediately afterward, apply an essential oil: “An elixir like Josie Maran Organic Argan Oil will trap the extra water into skin.”


“Skin is three-dimensional,” says Wexler, “and you can’t just treat one dimension.” Light therapy gets below the surface, and it isn’t just a mood booster. “At-home devices and dermatologist office treatments like the GentleWaves LED machine stimulate collagen, dilate blood vessels, and smooth skin so it looks younger and healthier,” she explains. “My patients love it so much because there’s no downtime and, as one seventysomething patient said, it makes her look like ‘a young woman in love.’”


Choice Product: Tända Regenerate Anti-Aging Light Therapy Treatment. “It’s great because you don’t have to go to a doctor’s office,” says Wexler. “It covers less area and with less intensity, but you can do it every day at home and get results.”


Think of the outer layer of your skin like a piece of glass that needs regular polishing in order to glisten—the more dead skin cells that sit on top of your skin, the less luminous you look. “You need exfoliation year-round to keep your glow factor,” says New Jersey-based dermatologist Jeanine B. Downie, MD. Her advice: Reveal brighter, younger skin cells by using a glycolic acid cleanser rather than a gritty, more irritating scrub. “It will improve texture and tone while minimizing fine lines and active breakouts,” says Downie. Not to mention, your daily moisturizer will better penetrate and hydrate skin after the glycolic acid clears away the top layer of dead skin cells.

Choice Products: MD Formulations Facial Cleanser or Avon Anew Rejuvenate Glycolic Facial Treatment. “There is a paucity of over-the-counter cleansers with glycolic acid, but these are good options,” says Downie.


It may sound like a resounding summer warning, but sunscreen is a year-round necessity. Ultraviolet rays will replace your natural glow with discoloration, dryness, and eventually, wrinkles. “Even if you’re sitting under fluorescent lights, that damages skin,” Wexler warns. “They emit UVA rays, which are aging.” Her prescription (and every dermatologist’s in this story): Wear sunscreen every day, no matter what your age, ethnicity, or the weather. “You can get sunburn even when it’s raining,” adds Wexler.

Choice Product: Patricia Wexler M.D. Dermatology Universal Anti-Aging Moisturizer SPF 30. “You need daily sun protection of at least 30. And if you’re in direct sunlight you should reapply often because sunscreens aren’t stable after two hours in the sun,” says Wexler. “Besides protecting skin, this product also contains argireline and peptides to help smooth wrinkles.”


If sun worship or hormones are showing up on your face in the form of not-so-radiant discoloration, there’s a brilliant way to get even, according to Wexler. “For brown spots or muddy pigmentation you want to even out and brighten, talk to your dermatologist about getting a prescription brightening product,” she says.

Choice Product: Tri-Luma cream. “It contains Retin-A and hydroquinone, so crow’s feet diminish and skin gets brighter because of this combination,” Wexler says. “Tri-Luma is on back-order right now, which is very rare for a prescription product.”


Dry skin, especially those flaky patches that tend to go hand-in-hand with a drop in temperature, dulls your complexion. “Whatever you do, don’t peel it,” advises Downie. “Use a heavier moisturizer instead.” Apply it morning and night to the face and neck area and spot-treat as needed to quench dry spots, soothe irritation and restore radiance.

Choice Product: Olay Regenerist Deep Hydration Regenerating Cream. “It gives positive clinical results and there’s good testing behind the product,” says Downie. “It’s tried-and-true—and inexpensive.”


It sounds like something that would make your inner teenager cringe, but applying oil to skin helps impart the glow that everyone wants—the kind that’s anything but greasy. “‘Glowing’ is the word we women most use when describing how we want our skin to look because it’s healthy, clear, dewy and youthful looking,” says Beverly Hills skin expert Sonya Dakar. “The quickest way to fake glowing skin is to use a good facial oil. It will automatically give you a healthy shine, not a greasy effect.”

Bonus: It has long-term benefits too: “Oils help nourish the skin from the inside out and actually help balance and control skin’s natural oil production,” says Dakar. Look for flaxseed or grape seed oils, which are rich in antioxidants and omega-3 fatty acids.

Choice Product: Sonya Dakar Organic Omega Booster. “It doesn’t clog pores and balances oil production” says Dakar. “I call it my ‘liquid gold’ since the product has a natural golden hue.”


It’s not all smoke and mirrors—or amazing genetics. Lifestyle plays a vital role in maintaining an angelic complexion. “A healthy diet is key,” says Dakar. Her advice: “Eat clean and green” ( broccoli is particularly packed with skin-boosting ingredients like vitamins A, C, and natural estrogens) and supplement with a cleansing probiotic and essential fatty acids—daily.

Choice Product: Acidophilus. “For glowing, healthy skin, make sure to take an Acidophilus supplement. It purifies the blood, as well as the digestive system, for clearer skin,” says Dakar. “Take an omega-3 as well for hydration and extra glow.”

2010年9月19日 星期日

Smoky Eyes Tools

Smoky Eyes 小工具推介


Sonia Rykiel Mousse Eyeshadow$220

Sofina Designing Shine Eyes $240

Missha The Style Shine Pearl Shadow$73

Giorgio Armani Eyes To Kill Palette$450

Laneige Mystic Veil Eye Palette$240

YSL Ombres Duolumieres N? 29$300

Chanel Les 4 Ombres$450


Chantecaille Le Stylo in Indigo$260

M.A.C Superslick Liquid Eye Liner#Defiantly Feline$160

Burberry Eye Shaping Pencil# 4$190

Bobbi Brown Kohl Eyeliner#03$180


Shiseido Perfect Mascara Defining Volume$220

Clinique Lash Power Mascara #Brightening Blue$160

Smart Buy 每週格價抗衰老產品



Swiss Perfection Cellular Essential Vitamin Cream$1,450/ 30ml

成 分:專利冰乾鳶尾草、透明質酸鈉、植物性醣類聚合物、鹿角菜精華、乳木果油及維他命 A、 B、 C、 E


Valmont Prime Contour$1,850/30ml

賣點:眼唇同用的抗衰老產品,質地豐潤,修護受損皮膚,預防及延緩眼唇四周的 皺紋問題。
成分:羊脂酸精華、 Urea、三離子複合 DNA、 RNA微脂囊及真皮層逆時空複合物


Sisley Global Firming Serum$2,800/30ml

賣點:高效植物活膚成分,重點對抗真皮層老化問題,重塑面部皮膚 結構,令面部回復緊緻。
成分:蒔蘿、大豆月太、楊柳葉、單粒小麥等植物精華、乳木果油、植物甘油及維他命原 B5


Olay Total Effects Light Restoring Emulsion$179.9/50ml

賣點:補充皮膚所需的維 他命,擊退細紋及皺紋、縮小毛孔及滋潤乾燥肌膚
成分:高效抗氧化物、天然綠茶精華、維他命 C、維他命 E

Roc Anti-Wrinkle Eye Cream$320/15ml

賣點: 3重智能抗皺科技結合多種修護抗皺成分,促進骨膠原及彈性蛋白增生,從而提升眼周皮膚組織彈性及緊 緻度。
成分:純維他命 A、透明質酸、複合多胜月太及甘油

GoodSkin Lab SMOOTH-365$285/30ml

賣點:利用焦柔反光粒子,反射斑點及瑕疵,即時修飾幼紋及粗 糙肌膚,顯得更幼嫩滑溜。

2010年9月5日 星期日


一家四口子, 爸爸造鞋, 兩小兄弟就靠父親造鞋糊口, 每天細子放學回家,
爸爸都會問: 今天上了什麼學科?
細子回答: 中文和英文
爸爸: 那中文堂教了什麼?
細子: 中文堂教了中文
爸爸: 那英文堂教了什麼?
細子: 英文堂教了英文
爸爸: 唔...好的

爸爸都問同一問題, 細子都是回答: 中文堂教了中文, 英文堂教了英文

而兩兄弟在閣樓就是聽著收音機一起做功課, 歌曲就是

爸爸媽媽吃著碗仔糕, 拿著湯壺去醫院探望得了血癌的大兒子Desmond
護士問: 怎樣, 決定好了沒有, 你的兒子必須進行輸血了, 要輸鮮血, 還是冰鮮血?
媽媽問: 價錢有什麼分別?
護士不耐煩說 :我之前不是已告訴了你嗎?鮮血二百, 冰鮮的一百
媽媽不好意思道: 哦...因不知道今天的價錢會否便宜了, 所以再問一下吧...
爸爸見狀, 立刻說: 要鮮血, 當然是鮮血啦 (從口袋裡掏出剛從押鋪換取來的二百元)
媽媽看見爸爸粗糙的雙手把二百元扎遞過護士手上後, 便緊握著他那粗獷但溫柔的手

Echoes of the Rainbow

Softly sighs of the rainbow
Misty songs of old Flowing by the skyline
My secret lullaby
Softly sighs of the rainbow
Stories seldom told Flowing by the skyline
My love songs never rhyme
I stand alone and alone Lingering by my secret rainbow
Ah My secret rainbow 

爸爸造了一雙羊皮膠底鞋給媽媽, 讓她在去醫院探望兒子的路途上走得舒服些, 他細心解釋他的設計, 細心的一隻一隻的幫她穿上......就在兒子仍在醫院時,
爸爸都繼續問細子同一問題, 一天讓他感到驚喜及安慰的回答方式降臨了:

爸爸問: 今天上了什麼學科?
細子回答: 中文和英文
爸爸: 那中文堂教了什麼?
細子: 唧唧復唧唧,木蘭當戶織。不聞機杼聲,惟聞女歎息。問女何所思,問女何所憶.......
爸爸: 那英文堂教了什麼?
細子: A Man....This is a Pan....I am a Man.....
爸爸: 唔...好的 (緊抱著兒子)


祖母說過一個故事, 想再見到喜歡的人, 就把最深愛的東西都扔掉苦海裡, 把苦海填滿, 苦海填滿了, 那便可以重逢了
細子就在大哥過身後, 把自己一直保存很久的玩具, 珍藏品,一個一個的扔掉海裡......

爸爸說: 鞋字半邊難
媽媽說: 但鞋字亦半邊佳呢
媽 媽又常說: 做人, 總要信

Desmond 很喜歡Flora ,他帶 Flora 到賣魚店, 解釋魚的種類, 特性, Flora 充滿著欣賞的眼光很甜蜜地聆聽著Desmond 一副專業的講解...後來有一次Flora 病倒了, 他便拿著一條金魚到Flora 家探望她, 嚇然知道原來 Flora 是富有人家, 家有傭人, 有房車, Flora房內的魚缸, 比他家裡的不知大多少倍, 魚缸裡飼養魚的種類多不勝數, Desmond立刻感到難過, 覺得自己襯不起Flora, 而且知道原來自己對魚兒的認識, 只不過是小巫見大巫, 他很傷心地離開Flora的大屋....Flora 就這樣看著傷心的Desmond 在正關上中的電動大閘後, 默然離開的背影....

歲月, 原是最大的小偷

2010年8月23日 星期一

La Mer Moisturizing Creme 30ml 精華面霜

Special Price: HKD 950


In a short time, skin becomes softer, firmer, looks virtually creaseless. Aging lines and pores are noticeably less visible. Even the driest of complexions are healed. Sensitivities are soothed.
How to use:
To activate the broth and release its key ingredients, warm a small amount between your fingertips. As you pat onto clean, dry skin, you will instantly feel the soothing effects of the broth. Smooth over your face, neck, even under the fragile eye area. Apply day and night - for a lifetime.

於1965年1月於美國誕生的護膚品牌La Mer,在四十多年前出自太空物理學家Max Huber之手,當時這位物理學家在為美國太空總署工作時,臉被火箭料爆炸嚴重灼傷,經過多次求醫也無法去除傷痕,於是他在自己的家中的車庫改建成實驗 室,經過十二年超過六千次的實驗後,Crème de La Mer面霜誕生了,它讓博士的肌膚回復細滑。品牌La Mer之名,在法文裡解作“海洋”,也就說明了這瓶成分來自海洋的皇牌面霜,是博士從南加州不對外曝光的海域之海藻所研製出來,在製作面霜的過程中,還需 照射原生長地的光線、聆聽海浪的聲音,並且由人手工製瓶,至今被譽為是世界上最昂貴的面霜,也是世上唯一一款由低溫低壓,類似生產葡萄酒的生物發酵方式制 作出來的護膚品。博士去世後,品牌由Estee Lauder公司取得配方複製成功,並將品牌命名為La Mer,整個品牌至今推出二十二款包括護膚和身體護理的美容產品。

2010年8月15日 星期日




Step1由眼尾開始貼膠紙,貼在本身眼摺對上 1-2mm的位置。

RoC Eye Tape$8from Sasa單面膠紙有足夠黏力托起浮腫的眼皮,效果自然。






Step1同樣由眼尾開始貼,位置在原有眼摺對上 1mm即可。

Astraea V. Eye Beauty Fixer$88from city'superF雙面膠紙設計,黏力特強,可以防汗及防水。









A Shishida Seishindo Eyetape#Slim Type$12 Sasa幼長設計增加膠紙承托力,雙眼皮更持久。

B RoC Wonder Eyelid Tape$12 Sasa台灣製的樹脂物料,具有彈性,適合眼皮脂肪較多人士使用。

C Elizabeth Cutie Cutie Eye Tape$38 from city'super易於剪裁的單面膠紙,只需修剪頭尾,摺痕即可隱形。

D Koji Wonder Eyelid Tape$125 city'super易撕設計的雙面膠紙,易於控制弧度,營造出較自然的雙眼皮。

E Cosmo Forme Twin Pit#Hard Type$48 Sasa適合眼皮脂肪較厚及單眼皮人士使用的強力雙眼皮膠水。